Identify Kubernetes Issues

Speed up problem detection and resolution on your Kubernetes clusters

Try KuboVisor
Kubernetes expertise
Kubernetes recurring issues errors

Say goodbye to recurring issues and their consequences

90 % of organizations have experienced a serious security issue in the last 12 months and cluster misconfigurations are the leading cause ("2023 state of Kubernetes security report" by Redhat, April 2023). Kubo Labs makes sure that will not happen.

Reduce kubernetes costs

Deploy on time and keep your client happy

67% of companies have delayed or slowed down deployment
due to a security issue and 37% of them experienced revenue or customer loss due to a container/Kubernetes security incident ("2023 state of Kubernetes security report" by Redhat, April 2023). Identifying and solving issues before they spread out will allow you to avoid such situations.

kubernetes support consulting

Detect in real-time security and performance issues with KuboVisor

KuboVisor automatically detect configuration, security, health and best practices issues and help in their resolution. Detect emerging issues before they spread out and affect your applications.

Quickly get access to the information you need to troubleshoot efficiently your clusters.

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Root Cause Analysis

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Investigation Tips and Remediation Commands

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Best Practices Analysis

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Identify cluster configurations issues with KuboScore

KuboScore runs multiple real-life scenarios on your cluster to check for potential misconfigurations and bad practices that will lead to security incidents or performance issues.

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In-depth audit

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Nothing to install on your cluster

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Cloud and on-premise clusters

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Kubernetes scoring quality
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What our users say

Christophe Jolif
CTO at Doctrine

" If you are unsure about your Kubernetes setup, KuboScore is giving you insights on how far you are from a state-of-the-art cluster. "

Cyril Duchon-Doris
CTO at My Job Glasses

" Kubo Labs' tools and support allowed us to build a secure cluster on Outscale that follows best practices. I particularly appreciated their strong expertise and availability."

Audit your Kubernetes Cluster for free

Just want to check for potential misconfigurations and bad practices on your clusters? Well that's a good start.

Get a Free KuboScore